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Genuine Made-in-India products
The soul of India, on Mintorie
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Women driven.

Focusing on-
-Chemical free living,
-Achieving some of the Sustainable Development of Good Health& well being, Clean water, Industry Innovation, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Responsible Consumption and Production and Climate Action.

-Products are made using natural ingredients like citrus peels, soapnut, shikakai and pure grade essential oils and are safe for humans, pets, water and soil. Safe solutions replacing harmful chemicals in everyday living.
-Our products contribute to safe living spaces inviting more life force into our lives.
-By purchasing products customers help local growers: Coconut sourced from rural districts of Bengaluru, Sambrani or Benzoin is a resin from tree bark is from Forests of Karnataka and Beeswax is sourced from Urban Bee keepers. Thus promoting cirular economy by locally sourcing raw materials

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